INTERCEPT RAID ON SCHWEINFURT On August 17, 1943, the Eighth Air Force targeted the town of Schweinfurt, home to more than fifty percent of the ball- bearing manufacturing in Germany. The U.S. high command hoped that the destruc- tion of these factories would seriously hamper the German industrial war effort. This mission was also a test of General Eaker's belief that the heavily armed B-17s could survive without fighter escort. During the flight to and from Schweinfurt the Fortresses ran a gaunt- let of enemy fighters, exacting a heavy toll. This raid combined with the effort against Regensburg on the same day cost the Eighth Air Force 60 B-17s and 600 crewmen lost. These fearsome losses inflicted by the Luftwaffe fighter arm began to shake the confidence the Amer- icans had in their bomber offensive. YOUR MISSION You and your wingman are perfectly posi- tioned to attack a squadron of B-17s near Schweinfurt whose escort of P-47s has long since headed for home. Your best strategy for attacking this tight formation of B-17s is to work at the outer edges of the forma- tion first, avoiding the concentration of fire from the gunners in the center. Be patient and slowly pick off the least defended planes in the formation.